Product Questions

You can expect to receive your gift card code within 1 minute after our system has verified and cleared your payment.

Please note, in rare cases, it may take an extra minute for orders to be sent out.

Gift card codes will be sent directly to the email address you provided during the checkout process. Your gift card will be sent to you in the form of either a code or a scanned card.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please check your junk/spam folder in your email, as your email server may have mistakenly flagged it.

Your order may also have been automatically flagged by our fraud prevention system (triggered if you entered fraudulent information or was using a VPN during your checkout process). In this case, your order would be automatically put on-hold until one of our staff members manually review and process your order.

If you still have not received your code within 24 hours after payment, please contact us.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you are experiencing an "invalid code" error while redeeming your gift card, please contact us within 48-hours after delivery with a screenshot of the redemption error. Our team will then review your order, and if your case is valid, we will send you a replacement gift card.

Please note, due to security reasons, we will not offer support for your order if you contact us after the 48-hour time frame.

Once a product is out of stock, we aim to restock them within 48 hours.

But, usually its within the hour (during our business hours of 06:00 - 20:00 (JST)) of it being out-of-stock.

If you require a product urgently, please contact us and our team will do their best to assist you. 

Order Questions

If your order has yet to be fulfilled*you are entitled to a full refund paid back via your original payment method. In this case, please contact us. Otherwise, all sales are final, and no refunds will be made once orders have been fulfilled*.

For more information, please view our refund policy.

Please contact us as soon as possible with your correct details. Our team will then review your order and have your gift card sent to you.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Your order may be canceled and refunded when:

 - The gift card is out of stock

 - Our fraud prevention system automatically flagged your order.

Please rest assured that our payment system will automatically refund any orders that are canceled. It may take up to 5 business days for refunds to process back into your bank account.

Please do not worry, this was not a mistake on our end. Due to some of our gift cards having limited stock, we may use several gift cards to fulfill an order.

An example of this would be, using 2x "iTunes Japan Gift Card 5000 Yen" to fulfill an order of 1x "iTunes Japan Gift Card 10,000 Yen".

Payment Questions

All our products are priced in USD

You will be paying in "US Dollars" to receive gift cards preloaded with "Japanese Yen."

We also have plans to accept multi-currency checkouts in the near future, so stay tuned!

We currently accept over 7 different secure payment methods:

- Visa

- MasterCard

- American Express

- PayPal

- Shop Pay

- Apple Pay

- Google Pay

We have plans to increase up to 10 payment methods, and with multi-currency checkouts coming soon!

Sorry for the inconvenience. We have a fraud prevention system in place that will automatically reject payments if it suspects any potentially fraudulent transactions.

It may also occur if you are using a VPN/Proxy while accessing our site. In this case, please turn off your VPN/Proxy before accessing our website and services.

If you are still unable to make the payment for your order, please contact us, and our team will do their best to assist you.

Other Questions

Our customer support hours are from 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Japan Standard Time), 7 days a week.

For more info check out our contact us page.

Orders will be processed normally and sent out within 1 minute, even for 1st-time customers. Otherwise, orders will only be subjected to a verification process if your order is suspected of being a potentially fraudulent transaction. 

Some websites and services may require the user to have a Japanese IP Address to redeem gift cards, in this case, please use a VPN/Proxy to redeem your gift cards.

However, please kindly note that you should not access our website and use our services with a VPN/Proxy. Doing so may trigger our fraud prevention system, preventing you from completing or receving your order.

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with our social login services. Please refer to our blog to self troubleshoot.

If you are still experiencing issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.

No, we do not have purchase limits. As long as there is stock available, you are free to purchase as many gift cards as possible.

NoFraud is a fraud prevention service that we have partnered with. They screen transactions on behalf of our business and alert us if they find a transaction is at high risk for fraud. This protects consumers against unauthorized credit card use and protects us against fraudulent chargebacks.

For more information, please view this page about our partnership.

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